~Rick Donaldson's Farm. Rick sells his own Homegrown Fresh Organic Produce at the Rockwall Farmer's Market, in Rockwall, Texas.
(He also sells goats.) Hubby (Pleas) has been to visit Rick a few times, but this was our first trip. (Pleas was sick and missed out on the fun.)

The 3 "bottle-baby" Kids loved to suck on Adrienne's fingers...2 or 3 times she had more than one kid sucking at the same time, on the same hand! But they would stop when I got the camera out. :-(

Friends, Kids & Lunch in the Great Outdoors~ what could be better?
(thanks Garry for taking this photo)

Rick and his little "bottle-baby" boy
(after lunch)!
How can we get ahold of Rick to buy from him? Thanks!
I'm sorry to be so late getting back to you! Rick's number is 972-722-7545
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