Thursday, January 12, 2012

We went visiting~

~Rick Donaldson's Farm. Rick sells his own Homegrown Fresh Organic Produce at the Rockwall Farmer's Market, in Rockwall, Texas. (He also sells goats.) Hubby (Pleas) has been to visit Rick a few times, but this was our first trip. (Pleas was sick and missed out on the fun.)

The 3 "bottle-baby" Kids loved to suck on Adrienne's fingers...2 or 3 times she had more than one kid sucking at the same time, on the same hand! But they would stop when I got the camera out. :-(

Friends, Kids & Lunch in the Great Outdoors~ what could be better? (thanks Garry for taking this photo)

Rick and his little "bottle-baby" boy (after lunch)!


Anonymous said...

How can we get ahold of Rick to buy from him? Thanks!

Dunbar Creek Mercantile said...

I'm sorry to be so late getting back to you! Rick's number is 972-722-7545